Sarah Hyland Is A Slutty Ballerina

“Modern Family” star Sarah Hyland poses as a slutty ballerina in the photos below and the behind-the-scenes video above.

Like all dance (except for when preformed by Muslim “dancing boys”) ballet is a Satanic practice, and it is extremely offensive to us pious Muslims. For there is certainly nothing even remotely elegant or graceful about anorexic women like Sarah Hyland tiptoeing around while flaunting their taut bodies in tights, and to think otherwise is to commit blasphemy against the teachings of the blessed Prophet.

Yes if Sarah Hyland wants to perfect movements that are halal and won’t get her flogged then she should use this studio to practice scrubbing the floor, squatting down like she is in the field and pushing out a baby, and bobbing up and down on her knees (both to simulate prayer towards Mecca and the deepthroat sucking of our enormous Muslim manhoods.)


Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland
Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland
Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland Sarah Hyland

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